The most influential communication technology to me has to be my smart phone. Smart phones have definitely changed the way our society operates. Almost any kind of gadget that you can think of has been put into one convenient device that we can keep in our pocket. That was one quote that I remember from the video, "convenient." One of the main reasons technologies, like smart phones, have exploded is because they are convenient to our busy day to day routines. In one minute you can receive a phone call, send an e-mail and research something on google. My smart phone is the only reason I have been putting of buying a laptop, which is uncommon in a college student's life. Therefore, my smartphone has helped me through my education. When there is something I come across that I am unfamiliar with I have the ability to research it with only the need of my phone and fingertips. I also can use my phone in classes by the use of my camera. This was also mentioned in the video where a girl said she uses her phone for taking pictures for a project. I agree with this and have actually done this before. I have taken pictures of notes, diagrams, and pictures that i can refer back to.
However there is a downside to modern phones like there is with any technology. Because our society has become so used to communicating with each other through technology, we have forgotten what it means to be personal. We no longer need to have a conversation face to face when we can just text or message each other. This has affected our social and conversational skills. Someone mentioned on the video that because they text so much they "text more than [they] talk".
Another influential technology has been the internet. Whether you surf the web through your phone, laptop, or tablet it has reshaped the way we live. The internet has changed the way we communicate, research, read books, watch movies, listen to music, be up to date with current events, do our homework, play games...the list can go on and on. Pertaining to its influence on how we learn new information, it has brought information to us rather than having to go to the information. Most children do not even know what an encyclopedia is any more. When it comes to learning new material nothing is impossible with the internet.
Like smartphones, the internet does have a negative side to it. The internet has exposed us more than anything. With websites like Facebook or myspace, we have entered a world where nothing is private. We have been stripped with even the idea of privacy. This can be a dangerous thing especially to young students in middle or high school.
The third most influential technology is the television. I was surprised that this was not mentioned in the video since the television has become such a normal technology to have. It is very rare that you walk into a home today and not find a room where the television is the main component. Media has exploded with the help of the tv, and media has shaped our society in America. This however is not necessarily a good thing. The television has been so influential on our lives that it has affected the way we think. With obsessions on how our physical appearance is, we can blame the television. However with the television he have a source of information that makes absorbing new material easy.